2 Jun 2016

The 3 Week Diet plan is a solid, real plan, containing proper food and it's NOT a scam at all. You get a complete easy to follow and prepare meal plan plus a workout plan, including exercises you can do from home. It's a diet and workout plan which I personally can recommend to my family and friends.

What Is This 3 Week Diet System All About?

As the name of the diet already describes it, this system is a complete 3 week diet and workout plan. In fact, it’s more than just for 3 weeks. With it’s different components, you’ll teach yourself a new lifestyle. This will not only help you to lose weight, but also to keep it off.

The 3 week diet plan includes proper food within its meal plan and you don’t have to take any pills.

The main goal of the 3 week diet plan is to help you lose as much weight as possible within these 21 days, so that you can see results fast and remain motivated to reach your weight loss goal. The program can be downloaded as an eBook which contains 96 pages of content, including images.

Who Is The Author?

Brian Flatt, which is a nutritionist, a health coach, has a degree in biology plus he is also the proprietor of REV Fitness, has developed this diet plan. Brian invested more than ten years in research before he Flatt came up with this diet plan.

Click here to check official website


 The 3 Week Diet Plan Components

The program is divided into 3 major parts:

  •     The actual Diet
  •     Exercise Plan
  •     Willpower, Motivation and Mindset

Let’s have a closer look at the different components:

The Diet Plan

This is the main part of the program and is separated into the following 4 phases with very different elements.

Phase #1 (Day 1 – 7)

This beginning stage works like magic as you’ll begin to see a lot of pounds – around 5 to 10 pounds or even more – fall off within these 7 day period. Following this plan guarantees, that you’re going to lose weight. This phase will cleanse your entire system, most especially the liver which could most likely be having some issues.

This plan offers a detailed explanation of the sort of food you are permitted to eat. These are vegetables and different proteins, such as eggs, meat and fish. Brian also included a detailed explanation on how to best prepare the food plus the plan further carefully analysis a timetable for your diet within these 7days period.

Phase #2 (day 8)

This stage is just a 24 hour fast. The last meal you had in stage one should have most likely being in the evening, which would consist of greens and protein from permitted sources. You will now go on a 24 hour fast, from diner to diner. This is to enable your body to complete the detox, taking off a great part of the fat-burning byproducts from the quick weight loss in stage 1. You are likely to have your next meal the evening of day 8. For this meal, you are free to have whatever you wish, but carbohydrates should be very minimal in the meal. If you can’t stand a 24-hour fasting, then you can copy what you did on day 7 in the previous stage.

Phase #3 (day 9 – 11)

This is referred to as the Fat Phase. Within these days, you will go with recommended calorie assigned, while aiming to have at least 80% of the calories from fat. This low calorie, high fat plan has been confirmed to help shed a lot of fat within a short period.

This doesn’t sound easy though, but don’t fret, you have a comprehensive list of allowed fat sources, how these foods are prepared and the amount of calories you should consume – for men and women – with a sample eating plan included.

Phase #4 (Day 12 – 21)

You will gradually begin to eat normally towards the final stage of this plan compared to your previous 14 days on this plan. Here you are confined to a customized calorie scheme to tally with your unique BMR and the force behind your weight loss goals.

You’ll figure out how to know your BMR, which is simple. Brian gave calculations in U.S. estimations and metric structure. Men and women also have separate calculations. When you have got your BMR, you will figure out how to structure a low-calorie diet plan which will be based on your BMR

The Exercises

Although, just the dietary part of this book will make you burn off so much fat in a relatively short period, exercise programs which can give you double the result you got from the diet plan have been added. Most diet programs fail because they are not adequately complimented with the amount of exercise necessary to make it effective. In exercises, fat loss is as a result of the intensity of the scheme and not the duration. With Brian’s plan, the body workouts are just for about 20 to 30 minutes a day and for 3 days a week only.

The exercises in the book combine resistance training and cardio exercises that stirs up your metabolism and causes your body burn off more fat.


The 3 week diet workout plan does contain 4 basic exercises which are:

  •     Goblet Squat
  •     Dumbbell Incline Bench Press
  •     Bent-Over Row
  •     Dumbbell Upright Row

To do this, all you’ll need is at least two dumbbells and a bench (optional). You don’t really need to hit the gym, as you can effectively do this at home. Everything – how to go about the exercises, the amount of reps and sets you’ll do – are detailed in the book. You will also find some extra exercises on how to work out your abdominal muscles.

Click Here To Get Started With The 3 Week Diet Plan


Willpower, Motivation, and Mindset

This section is truly an eye-opener because it disposes a number of reoccurring and common myths about will power that hinders the success of many persons. Not only that this section is captivating, but it is also a vital component of this diet program. The section will enable you scale through those willpower challenges facing you while offering you a lot of easy alternatives which assures you of a successful diet.

Weight loss success like every other success is born of a right mindset. If you can maintain that mindset, then your goal of losing weight becomes successful and less stressful like you never thought it could be.

What’s included in the program?

The 3 week diet system is comprised of 4 manuals, these are:

  • 1-  The Introduction Manual – This explains why we get fat and the science behind this particular diet’s effectiveness. It discusses what to do (and not to do) while following the diet and also covers, in depth, the recommended supplements and what they do to help quicker weight loss.
  • 2-    The Diet Plan Manual – This gives step by step instructions for calculating your BMR and how it relates to what you need to eat in order to lose weight.  It explains what to eat, and when to eat it.
  • 3-    The Workout manual – This gives detailed instructions on how to perform the Full Body Fat Blasting Workout.  It includes diagrams and full instructions.
  •  4-   Mindset and Motivation Manual.  Some ideas to try and help keep you on track with the diet.  Hopefully seeing the weight loss and feeling the changes will be motivating enough.


  • What price fast weight loss?

The program costs $47

  • How is it delivered?

Electronic Download

  • Is there a guarantee

100% satisfaction, 60 day money back guarantee.  Lose weight or get your money back!

  • How can I buy it?

The full 3 Week Diet program is available to buy from the official 3 week diet website.

Click Here to try the 3 Week Diet yourself.  



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