13 Jun 2016


While most of the population obsesses over weight loss and fat burning, there's another group of people that's trying to gain weight. Whether you want to bulk up in the gym or would like to add some curves to a thin figure, trying to gain weight can be just as frustrating as trying to lose it. If you're having trouble, there are some things you can do to help pack on the pounds.


Step 1

Focus on protein, fats and carbohydrates. These are the three staples that will help you gain weight, and you need plenty of each of them to stay healthy. Focus on incorporating protein, fats and carbohydrates into every meal you eat so your diet stays balanced. Here are some examples of good choices in each category:
  1. 1.  Proteins: eggs, salmon, tuna, and other fish; pork roast, pork chops, and ham; chicken breasts and thighs; lean beef burgers and steaks.
  2. 2.  Fats: olive oil, safflower oil, coconut oil, and grapeseed oil; avocados, walnuts, almonds, flaxseeds.
  3. 3.  Carbohydrates: fruits and vegetables; beans, lentils, peas; brown rice, whole grain bread, whole grain pasta and other whole grain products; honey and fruit juice.


Step 2

Eat calorie-rich, nutrient-dense foods every two to three hours. If you're thin, you may have trouble eating large meals, so try to take in a steady stream of calories by grazing throughout the day. Avoid the urge to chow down on cookies and chips -- all high-calorie foods are not created equally. Granola, nuts, peanut butter and trail mix are good examples of healthy foods with a lot of calories. If you take in a surplus of 500 to 1,000 calories each day, you should gain 1 to 2 pounds per week.


Step 3

Drink liquid calories. Adding calorie-dense liquids in place of water or diet drinks can be an easy way to add calories to your diet. Don't load up on sugary soft drinks and bottled juices, though. Instead, drink whole milk, fresh juices and smoothies made out of milk, yogurt and fruits. If you add shakes or smoothies, space them at least 30 minutes from your meals so you won't be too full to eat or drink.


Step 4

Add resistance training. If increasing your calories isn't enough, you can amp up your weight-gaining efforts with resistance training. Performing three to five sets of eight to 12 reps per exercise will help you put on weight by adding muscle. Avoid long cardio sessions and make sure you supplement your resistance training with additional calories -- not only will training burn calories, but your body will need extra calories to build muscle mass.

step 5

 Make sure you drink plenty of water. Water will help your body process the extra protein and calories you’re taking in. Drink several glasses with every meal to avoid getting dehydrated. Since you’re probably also going to be exercising more to gain mass, aim to drink 10 glasses of water every day.

    1. You can also drink unsweetened tea, fruit juice, and other healthy beverages.
    2. Avoid drinking Gatorade and other sports drinks in excessive amounts, since they contain a lot of sugar.



    An easy way to add extra calories is to include high-calorie condiments like salad dressings, mayonnaise and butter. Eat a meal before you go to bed to minimize the fasted state you naturally enter during sleep. Set a clock or watch to remind you to eat at planned times.


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